Nerdtour Japan 2018 – HOT HOT HOT HOT HOT!

And I don’t mean the song by Buster Poindexter from years ago, I mean the thermal climate has been ridiculously, dangerously, even deadly hot here in Japan.  The day after I got here, Monday, I had to go in from Narita down to Shinjuku, Tokyo, to pick up the key… Continue reading

Katsucon 2014 pics as promised

So, I said I’d post some more Katsucon pics from last week, and here they are! There are a whole lot more on my portfolio site, if you want to see more. These are what I think are my best of the best, so enjoy! [cryout-multi][cryout-column width=”1/3″][/cryout-column] [cryout-column width=”1/3″][/cryout-column][cryout-column width=”1/3″][/cryout-column][/cryout-multi][cryout-multi][cryout-column… Continue reading

J-Pop, old school – Hitomi Ishikawa

Surfing through some Japanese videos on Youtube, I found some videos by a J-pop singer from back in the 80’s who’s still performing (and still looks very nice, even if she doesn’t look like a high-school girl anymore) named Hitomi Ishikawa (石川ひとみ). She started out (looks like) when she was… Continue reading

Katsucon 2013 SuperUltraMega-Cosplay-Photo-Extravapaloozathonorama!

(Okay, it’s not THAT big, but there are a lot of pictures!)

Nerdtour 2012: Surf, sunset, and Mount Fuji

This will be short and sweet, Wednesday I rode the Enoshima Train, or Enoshima Densha (Enoden) from Kamakura to Fujisawa, stopping along the way to see the Big Buddha (more on that later), and serendipitously caught the sun setting on a beautiful seaside town along the way. Plus, Mount Fuji!… Continue reading

My paintings: “Black Velvet”

Black Velvet

Well, sadly this is the end of the good paintings I did, I’ll probably post the not so good ones eventually.  This is from a “Black Velvet Whisky” ad from 1983, and although she’s very familiar, I just can’t remember her name.

My Paintings: Pam Dawber

Pam Dawber

Well, this one takes me back, this painting is the very first one I ever did of a real person, Pam Dawber of “Mork and Mindy” fame.  I had a serious crush on her in college, and when I saw the TV Guide cover with this photo on it, I… Continue reading