Nerdtour Japan 2018 – Birthday washout…

Well, I was here in Tokyo for fireworks on my birthday, but Nature conspired to send a typhoon my way, which forced Tokyo to delay the fireworks.  It wasn’t a total washout, I did manage to celebrate by going to Akihabara, which turned out to be much closer to my… Continue reading

Nerdtour Japan 2018 – HOT HOT HOT HOT HOT!

And I don’t mean the song by Buster Poindexter from years ago, I mean the thermal climate has been ridiculously, dangerously, even deadly hot here in Japan.  The day after I got here, Monday, I had to go in from Narita down to Shinjuku, Tokyo, to pick up the key… Continue reading

Nerdtour 2012 quickie: Artistic Tokyo Station

So, I thought I’d try to be a little artistic with another one of my photos from Japan. I see all kinds of “art” photos where the photographer uses grainy black and white, so I thought I’d do the same with one of my more-or-less “artistic” photos, converting the nice… Continue reading

Nerdtour 2012 quickie: Yokohama Chinatown

street scene in Yokohama's Chinatown

Chinatowns in all big cities are pretty much alike, but the one in Yokohama is very colorful at night, just like most of urban Japan, and much more so than the DC Chinatown. Here’s a prime example:

Nerdtour 2012: kaze wo hikimashita…

Urgh, I’m now on day 2 of a crappy head cold. It’s a little disheartening to learn the hard way that not all Japanese care enough about the people around them to cover their faces when they have a cold. In walking through crowds to and from stations, or standing… Continue reading

Nerdtour 2012: T-Minus 12 hours and counting…

So, almost everything put away that can be put away, one last batch of clothes in the laundry, and the apartment passed muster with the apartment management.  Boarding passes printed for DCA and DFW, have to pack some things and repack others.  So, a quick bite while the clothes tumble… Continue reading

Nerdtour 2012: T-Minus 29 hours and counting…

Oh, boy, it’s getting down to the wire, one more (partial) day of work, then I do the final prep work for the trip.  One last go-around with laundry, packing up the laptop and a hard drive, assorted re-arrangements for the oddments and fripperies that I’ll be taking (cables, batteries,… Continue reading

Nerdtour 2012: T-minus 80 hours and counting: All systems go!

Had a bit of a scare this past couple of days, with the pain in my poor, poor tooth getting worse and worse. Fortunately I called the dentist this afternoon after struggling with lunch, and he told me to come in right away, from the symptoms he said he needed… Continue reading