Tag Archives: music
J-Pop, old school – Hitomi Ishikawa

Surfing through some Japanese videos on Youtube, I found some videos by a J-pop singer from back in the 80’s who’s still performing (and still looks very nice, even if she doesn’t look like a high-school girl anymore) named Hitomi Ishikawa (石å·ã²ã¨ã¿). She started out (looks like) when she was… Continue reading
“Brazilian Cups” on some kind of glass keyboard – “Mystery Guitar Man”

(waves hands around, brushes dust off) Man, you go away for a week and the website gets all manner of cobwebs on it! Back from vacation, but didn’t have a lot of Internet ‘splorin’ time, but I did come across this nice little music video by a prominent YouTuber named… Continue reading
Nerdtour 2012 quickie: Enoshima Girls

Be grateful you can’t hear me singing this! And I only did one verse so you can be even more thankful! Enoshima Girls (sung to the tune of “California Girls” by the Beach Boys) Well Tokyo girls are hip, I really dig those styles they wear, And Osaka girls with… Continue reading
Music discovery: Mongol pop music!
“Hazy Shade of Winter”
Flashmob, classical style!

The Banco Sabadell arranged this performance of Beethoven’s “Ode to Joy” as a flashmob event to celebrate the anniversary of their founding. Â I really like how the music just builds and builds, and how the little girl who first puts money in the cellist’s hat stays there almost the whole… Continue reading