Nerdtour Japan 2018 – Birthday washout…

Well, I was here in Tokyo for fireworks on my birthday, but Nature conspired to send a typhoon my way, which forced Tokyo to delay the fireworks.  It wasn’t a total washout, I did manage to celebrate by going to Akihabara, which turned out to be much closer to my… Continue reading

Nerdtour 2016 Japan: Day 2, discovering exhaustion amongst the blooms…

This gallery contains 12 photos.

After walking around a whole lot Wednesday (about 7 miles total), Thursday was not a “wake up at 5 AM” day. I barely woke up when the alarm went off at 7:30, after having fallen asleep Wednesday night about 9:30, so I decided to put the “Do not disturb” sign… Continue reading

Nerdtour 2016 Japan: First full (frustrating) day in Tokyo…

So, today opened bright and early for me (well, early anyway) as I woke up at about 5 AM again, so after fitfully trying to get back to sleep I gave up and got up. I hadn’t planned anything specific, but as I was checking web cams around the area… Continue reading

Nerdtour 2016: Naritasan!

This gallery contains 11 photos.

Okay, this is going to be a short one, although today was eventful and productive, I’m about out of energy for the day, and the bed in my new hotel room in Tsukiji is inviting. I checked out of the hotel in Narita early this morning, and after a very… Continue reading

Nerdtour Japan 2016: Once More With Sakura!

So, once again I prepare to depart for the Land of the Rising Sun, where the cherry blossoms (sakura) are in bloom!  This will be a relatively short trip, only two weeks, but the goal is to take as many pictures of cherry trees in bloom in as many iconic… Continue reading

Anime USA 2015!

This gallery contains 50 photos.

I managed to attend Anime USA for the first time in over 4 years, since they moved away from the Crystal City Hyatt to the Wardman Park Marriott in DC. I didn’t get to see everything, but I did manage to get some photos, so enjoy!

Otakon 2015!

The next-to-last Otakon to be held at Baltimore Convention Center has begun! I decided to take a leaf from others and take some photos around the convention with one of my anime figures, “Danboard” from the manga “Yotsuba and!”. There are a lot of people in Japan and other places… Continue reading