Imagine Dragons: “Radioactive” on SNL

I haven’t watch Saturday Night Live in many years, but recently I found a song called “Radioactive” by a group named “Imagine Dragons”, and stumbling around YouTube I found that they performed the song with a rapper named Kendrick Lamar on SNL just a few days ago. This is a… Continue reading

Beautiful, terrifying free-fall videos…

From two years ago, when Felix Baumgartner jumped out of a perfectly good, pressurized capsule at 24 miles up, and free-fell to Earth to test a pressure suit and make history as part of the Red Bull promotion, “Red Bull Stratos.” This is a compilation of videos taken from the… Continue reading

Webcomic review: “Shotgun Shuffle”

Okay, I know I set myself up to review my favorite webcomics here, and it’s been way too long since the last one, but I’m going to try to make a fresh start, to keep this from being an annual thing (and no, “New Year’s Resolutions” is right out). Since… Continue reading

What if aliens are afraid of us?

If you’ve read any science fiction or watched any movies at all, you’ve come across the idea of aliens invading Earth, for any number of logical or illogical reasons. A human (^_^) named Tom Scott has made a short video parodying a “travel alert” for any alien species that might… Continue reading

Blue Man Group and Taiko drums – great together!

So, I wandered around Youtube again, as is my wont, and found a really neat collaboration between two of my favorite things, Blue Man Group and Japanese taiko drummers. I think the group is called “Kodo”, but the caption says “Blue Man Group meets Wadaiko”, so I’m not sure. I… Continue reading

Back to the blogs! Russian flash-mob! New job!

So, it’s been an eventful couple of weeks, so eventful that I had to actually spend the time living them, instead of blogging about them! Between searching for a new job, interviews, traveling to see family for Christmas, and fighting the lingering snot-virus that took up residence in my sinuses,… Continue reading

Nerdtour 2012: Riding on the Enoden pt.4: Shichirigahama Surfin’ Safari

My journey on the Enoden line continued, leaving Hase and the Great Buddha, and heading for Enoshima.  Along the way, though, through one of the windows on the train I spotted the ocean, and thought “that looks neat, I want to see the beach!”  So, I persuaded my buddy John… Continue reading

Nerdtour 2012: Riding on the Enoden pt. 3: Hase station and a train ride

After spending about an hour at the Great Buddha of Kamakura, the day was fast coming to a close and it was time to get back on the Enoden, in order to get to Enoshima before dark. AFter getting back to Hase station, there was a little time to kill… Continue reading