Wow it’s been a long time…

(brushes away cobwebs) Wow, it’s been a long time since I posted an update here, if anyone’s been looking for something new, I apologize. I have been very busy at my new (well, not so new now) job, and I’ve been fighting a nasty weeks-long bout of bronchitis, but I… Continue reading

Not a fun week, website-wise

The server that hosts both my websites at Dreamhost had major problems last week and this week, and they’ve had to spend time transferring all data from the old server to the new one, which has caused my sites to be either unavailable or terribly bogged down. I’m still having… Continue reading

Been a bit too busy to blog…

Between workload on my project and trying to work up my portfolio with photos from my great-nephew’s wedding, I have been only sparsely blogging. But, that’s going to improve soon, as my role on the project ends Monday, and I’ve finished with the wedding photos (but not the others which… Continue reading

Katsucon photos have moved!

I have moved my photos from Katsucon 2012 and 2013 over to my new portfolio site, I have gone in and cleaned up a lot of them using Adobe Lightroom, and I think I made them much better, plus I added quite a few to the 2012 photos! Here… Continue reading

All Otakon 2013 photos

I’ve uploaded all the Otakon 2013 photos now, they’re available on my photo site. If you want to see all the convention photos, you can go to my Conventions gallery, or if you just want to see cosplayers close-up, go to my Cosplay gallery. There will be more as I… Continue reading

What? No Otakon 2013? What gives?

Well, I haven’t updated this site in a couple of weeks, last weekend I was at the 20th Otakon in Baltimore, and took a whole mess of pictures. Since then I’ve been busy working on a new website. I’ve decided to move most of my photography from this site, and… Continue reading

All Nerdtour 2012, all in one place!

So, I reorganized my pages and posts somewhat, and gathered things together in a more coherent fashion! I grouped all the posts (so far) concerning the 2012 Nerdtour, and put them where they belong, under the “Things I’ve Done” link to “Nerdtour 2012“. I added sub-menus for “About“, “Preparations” and… Continue reading

Updated “Artwork” page

I finally got off my butt and fixed up the “Artwork” page so that it actually displays… my “artwork”! I had used an old plugin that just never worked, so I replaced it with actual links to the images on I kind of got pretentious calling it “art”, I’ve… Continue reading