Katsucon 2014 pics as promised

So, I said I’d post some more Katsucon pics from last week, and here they are! There are a whole lot more on my portfolio site, if you want to see more. These are what I think are my best of the best, so enjoy! [cryout-multi][cryout-column width=”1/3″][/cryout-column] [cryout-column width=”1/3″][/cryout-column][cryout-column width=”1/3″][/cryout-column][/cryout-multi][cryout-multi][cryout-column… Continue reading

Coming soon: Katuscon 2014 pictures

I’ve been remiss in updating that often, but last weekend I had an excuse: I was at Katsucon over in National Harbor, Maryland. The con this year was disrupted by the snowy weather, which lead to some guests delayed or unable to attend, and some of the panels were cancelled… Continue reading

Imagine Dragons: “Radioactive” on SNL

I haven’t watch Saturday Night Live in many years, but recently I found a song called “Radioactive” by a group named “Imagine Dragons”, and stumbling around YouTube I found that they performed the song with a rapper named Kendrick Lamar on SNL just a few days ago. This is a… Continue reading

Beautiful, terrifying free-fall videos…

From two years ago, when Felix Baumgartner jumped out of a perfectly good, pressurized capsule at 24 miles up, and free-fell to Earth to test a pressure suit and make history as part of the Red Bull promotion, “Red Bull Stratos.” This is a compilation of videos taken from the… Continue reading