Christmas 2012: “Hey, Mayans! Phftpftft!”

Well, it’s Christmas, here at over a decade into the next millennium. A lot of stuff happened this year, good and bad, but for now we can have a brief time to think about the good things we’ve received, the good things we can give, and be with friends and… Continue reading

Flashmob, classical style!

The Banco Sabadell arranged this performance of Beethoven’s “Ode to Joy” as a flashmob event to celebrate the anniversary of their founding.  I really like how the music just builds and builds, and how the little girl who first puts money in the cellist’s hat stays there almost the whole… Continue reading

Nerdtour 2012: Asakusa matsuri, pt. 1

5 story pagoda brightly lit at dusk

Okay, so, I’ve been home now for two weeks, but I’ve still got a lot of stories to tell and pictures to show from the trip, so I’m going to still call them “Nerdtour 2012”. Just so you don’t get confused and think I’m still over there (even though I… Continue reading