Nerdtour 2012: End of the line…

rain-soaked pigeon atop a roof

Well, that’s it for the trip, back home in Alexandria, in my newly remodeled apartment. Feeling major post-trip letdown, dealing with a new sore throat and my body telling me it’s 12 hours later than it is, and trying to figure out where to put stuff in my apartment that… Continue reading

Nerdtour 2012: Narita

Friday in Narita dawned cold, foggy, and raining. Perfect for setting the mood for leaving my second-favorite country. I got to do a lot of what I wanted, but not nearly as much as I planned. Catching the Cold From Hell didn’t help matters, as it sucked the energy and… Continue reading

Nerdtour 2012: almost done

So, today is my last day in the apartment in Monzennakacho, I’m going to miss this place. Doesn’t seem likely that I’ll ever be back, unless I win the lottery or something. At any rate, I may sign back on in Narita before I fly out. If not, my next… Continue reading

Nerdtour 2012: Some pictures from Matsushima

The trip is winding down, now, but I’m now trying to squeeze in as much as possible. I probably won’t post anything until I get back to the US, unless it’s a short status entry. So, here are some photos from my Matsushima trip. Enjoy!

Nerdtour 2012: Matsushima kaerimashita…

Today was a good day, even though it was long and tiring. I made it back to Matsushima, which was one of my primary goals for this trip. It was a mixed bag in some ways, as it seems Matsushima and the area was affected by the tsunami, and there… Continue reading

Nerdtour 2012: Surf, sunset, and Mount Fuji

This will be short and sweet, Wednesday I rode the Enoshima Train, or Enoshima Densha (Enoden) from Kamakura to Fujisawa, stopping along the way to see the Big Buddha (more on that later), and serendipitously caught the sun setting on a beautiful seaside town along the way. Plus, Mount Fuji!… Continue reading

Nerdtour 2012: Still alive!

So, I have almost fully recovered from the Cold from Hell, wasting nearly a week in the process. I’ve been out and about to a couple of places Saturday and Sunday, and saw some interesting things. I don’t have time tonight (it’s a little after midnight, early Monday morning as… Continue reading