Tag Archives: Matsushima
Matsushima, two years later (pt. 2)
Nerdtour 2012: What a difference two years makes
Nerdtour 2012: Some pictures from Matsushima
Nerdtour 2012: Matsushima kaerimashita…

Today was a good day, even though it was long and tiring. I made it back to Matsushima, which was one of my primary goals for this trip. It was a mixed bag in some ways, as it seems Matsushima and the area was affected by the tsunami, and there… Continue reading
Photos from the new book I’m working on…

What, you didn’t know I had an old book? ^__^ My first book Here are some photos from that book When I went with my brother Darrell to Japan in May of 2010, we visited a place near where he was stationed back in the 1950s, the town of Matsushima…. Continue reading