Christmas 2012: “Hey, Mayans! Phftpftft!”

Well, it’s Christmas, here at over a decade into the next millennium. A lot of stuff happened this year, good and bad, but for now we can have a brief time to think about the good things we’ve received, the good things we can give, and be with friends and family. For those of us who are Christians, it is a time to think about the gift God gave us, and even though the exact day isn’t recorded, it’s as good a time as any. Granted we should be thinking about it always, but at least at this time of year we really don’t have any excuse not to!

Those who have family, take this time to be with them, because the time with them may be shorter than you think. If you have lost loved ones, take time to remember them, remember the love you shared, and the good times, give their memory the gift of not being sad. Easier said than done, especially if the pain is fresh.

If you have a chance, give something to help those who need it, in whatever way they may need, in whatever way you can. Think about doing the same thing a few weeks from now, when few others are thinking of it. Give the world a gift by making your little bit of it better.

Most of all, Merry Christmas to all!

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