Dubstep pop-and-lock dancers, “Robot Boys”

Once again, the Dutch pop-and-lock dancers Nick and Jeppe have another catchy robot-themed dance video, where they’re joined by “Poppin John”, another dancer in a routine set to the music composed by Nick and Jeppe. If you’re into this kind of music and dance, this will be the kind of… Continue reading

Power tools dubstep…

One of my favorite Youtube artists is Joe Penna, the “Mystery Guitar Man“. I’ve posted about him before, he’s a master at taking small video segments and literally “playing” them as notes in pieces of music. He’s also experimented with stop-motion animation, odd mechanical contrivances for making music, recreating old… Continue reading

You’ll never hear dubstep the same way, ever again…

Believe me, I had no idea before watching this that a dubstep mashup like this was even possible. (Note: if you don’t know what dubstep is, or who Skrillex is, here’s a nice video of otters playing with cups: awwww)