This gallery contains 25 photos.
Decided to put the gallery here instead of on a page, that most people wouldn’t see. These are shots from Katsucon 2015, held February 13-15, at National Harbor outside of Washington DC. Enjoy!
This gallery contains 25 photos.
Decided to put the gallery here instead of on a page, that most people wouldn’t see. These are shots from Katsucon 2015, held February 13-15, at National Harbor outside of Washington DC. Enjoy!
Almost exactly 2 years ago today, October 23Â 2012, IÂ was on the first full day of my third trip to Japan, a month-long excursion I called “Nerdtour 2012” (I blogged it on this site). Â One of the best places I went was this little slice of old Tokyo park design, called… Continue reading
On the 70th anniversary of the Normandy invasion of D-Day, the 6th of June 1944, I went to the WWII Memorial in downtown DC to get a few photos. I had missed the commemoration ceremony that morning, but I did see the wreaths laid at the Freedom Wall, one from… Continue reading
So, I said I’d post some more Katsucon pics from last week, and here they are! There are a whole lot more on my portfolio site, if you want to see more. These are what I think are my best of the best, so enjoy! [cryout-multi][cryout-column width=”1/3″][/cryout-column] [cryout-column width=”1/3″][/cryout-column][cryout-column width=”1/3″][/cryout-column][/cryout-multi][cryout-multi][cryout-column… Continue reading