Monthly Archives: October 2011
Obama’s latest speech…

It’s like deja-vu, all over again! In summary: Pass this bill. It’s paid for. Republicans have no ideas. Mitch McConnell controls Congress. Independent economists love it. Millionaires and billionaires. Fair share. Not my fault. Japanese Tsunamis. I didn’t know. Bush. Pah-kee-stahn. Pass this bill. It’s like deja-vu, all over again!
Innocent couple about to lose their motel and future to law enforcement abuse
A Jobs Agenda
No, not the White House one, the Steve Jobs Agenda. This article spells it out better than most of the tributes I’ve seen.
Look, I’m helping!
Blast from the past! (Tetris theme on acoustic guitar)
Acoustic guitar trance? Whoa…
Trying out a brand-new WordPress theme
Just trying out a new theme called “Cover” for my site, supposedly more customizable. Seems to be okay, so far…