Day 3: Arrival!

Man, that was a long day! Left Columbia Missouri at 10 AM (EDT, still haven’t changed my car’s clock!), and got all the way to Denver at 11 PM EDT! 760 miles in one day, about the farthest I’ve driven by myself, and if it hadn’t been for the 70… Continue reading

Day 2: Columbia Missouri, mile 973

Well, this part was much more eventful than day 1. I made better distance today, although not as far as I would have liked. After 11 hours, it started to catch up to me, just couldn’t stay awake for the 120 miles to Kansas City. Yeah, I’m a wimp, so what? 🙂 Funniest… Continue reading

On the road at last!

Well, I made it to Columbus Ohio before calling it a night. Made it about 440 miles on day 1. Not bad, but not as far as I would have liked. Ran into rain, rain and more rain, all through Ohio. Worst roads so far: Pennsylvania. Second worst: western Ohio…. Continue reading

I feel like NASA – trip delayed 1 day

Well, talk about underestimating. It took longer to pack up today, and to take care of some last-minute business, so I didn’t make it on the road until 3:30. Plus, thanks to some traffic disruptions due to a bomb hoax, the traffic heading north (the way I wanted to go) had already clogged Interstate… Continue reading

T Minus 9 hours and counting!

Nerd Tour 2003 begins at 10:00 AM EDT Monday morning! Final systems checks were made, the vehicle condition is nominal, final loading will begin at approximately 9:00 AM. Pilot is in varying stages of excitement and anxiety, and is preparing for sleep. Web page was updated with map showing first leg of the… Continue reading

Nerd Tour 2003

What is Nerd Tour 2003? It’s my doofy name for the cross-country road trip I’m taking over the next 4 weeks. Why a road trip? Two reasons: One, it’s kind of the American thing to do, to take to the road, following the sunset; and Two, it’s unAmerican the way… Continue reading