“Alien cathouse for sci-fi nerds.” Oh, brother…

So, a “brothel owner” (euphemism) in Nevada is going to open a science fiction-themed “alien cathouse” to prey on the nerd market. I guess this means that there are enough nerds out there with enough money to justify the effort, and that being a (desperate) science-fiction fan is at least… Continue reading

So, the more things change, the more…?

So, I was reading the lastest about Our Dear President (mm mm mm), and I realized some disturbing things about him. He started to remind me more and more of a previous President. Hmmm. “Enemies list”, check, “executive privilege abuse”, check, “wage and price controls”, check. So, what’s different today?


Today, November 15 2006, would have been my mother’s 90th birthday. Delphy Diseker was an unusual woman, private, strong-willed, independent, and often frustrating. She was the last child of her family, her parents were married around 1893, and all the stories about her say she was intensely shy. Of her… Continue reading