Nerdtour Japan 2016: winding down

Well I really planned to do a daily blog of the trip, but given how much I was doing during the day, and usually not getting back to the hotel until 8 or 9 at night, I didn’t have time to sit and write up the day’s activities.  I also was bone tired as I was averaging a good 6-8 miles of walking every day, so about all I could do was dowload the days pictures onto my laptop.  I do regret not being able to do more writeups, in a way, but I realized it’s better to spend the time actually experiencing something.  I’ll have a whole lot of time to write entries once I’m done, but they won’t have the immediacy of near “real-time” entries. 

For anyone who was checking in to see what was new, I apologize for not updating. 

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One Response to Nerdtour Japan 2016: winding down

  1. Sis says:

    Sounds like you’ve had a good time and your pictures have really been nice to look at.

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